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April 25, 1945 was chosen as the date to commemorate the Partisan struggle against fascism.
The deployment was heterogeneous by Communists, Catholics, socialists, to
shareholders together laid the foundations for democratic Italy and the new Republican
If there had been no resistance, Italy today would be different.
They fought against the German occupation, the war against fascism, for the salvation of
their lands, houses, garages. Surrender or perish this was the watchword.
By 1 May all of northern Italy was liberated: Bologna (April 21), Genoa (April 23) and
Venice (April 28).
Liberation delivered us twenty years of fascist dictatorship and five years of war.
Parties du 25 Avril est né en 1946 pour toutes les villes décorés bravoure à la guerre
de libération ou ceux qui ont une grande suffered perte de vie dans la organizer des événements mémoire de l' événement .